It is really difficult to find a more endearing breed than the Maltese. Their
intelligence and outgoing personality combined with their beauty make them a joy
to own. Although the Maltese is a toy dog, this small breed is full of
personality and a wonderful zest for life. Their small size makes them easy to
manage and they can fit in with everyone's lifestyle. The Maltese is happy to be
your companion, ready to play, take walks or just curl up in your lap.
Maltese love children, but do not always make the best pet for a
child, too young to understand that these dogs can be seriously hurt by rough
handling. Very young children will need supervision whilst they learn how to
gently handle a tiny Maltese.
A pet shop may not be the most perfect place to purchase your
Maltese. Most of their puppies come from either commercial breeding
establishments or from backyard breeders whose only concern is the almighty
dollar. Little concern is given to quality, care or socialization of the
animals. If answering newspaper ads try to see as many as possible before making
your purchase. Try to locate a dedicated breeder/exhibitor. The goals of these
breeders are to improve the breed and they spare no expense in trying to breed
the best Maltese they can. By contacting this type of breeder you have the
opportunity to see where the puppy was raised and, possibly see several
generations of ancestors. The personality and appearance of these older dogs
will give you an indication of how your puppy will mature. When you choose a
puppy from a breeder/exhibitor you will have someone to call on for advice and
assistance in all aspects of puppy care. A breeders commitment to his/her
puppies is lifelong and they will welcome hearing from you.
One question you will be asked by the breeder is whether you want
your Maltese to show or as a pet only. Many people who want "pet
quality" do not understand why buying from a pet store is not a good idea.
Many of the qualities which breeders select in their efforts to produce a show
dog are also essential for a sound, and healthy pet.
The parents of your puppy represent years of knowledge and study. They were bred
to produce the best in temperament, conformation, intelligence, health and
soundness. Those puppies who do not reach the rigid show requirements still
posses all the same inherited qualities.
Actually either sex makes excellent pets. The male Maltese is
equally affectionate and loving as the female. A neutered male does not
"mark" his territory if he is properly house broken and neutered at an
appropriate age, nor will he exhibit other undesirable traits associated with
male dogs.
When you find a breeder that you like, spend time discussing your
family and your lifestyle. Then allow your breeder to help you pick a puppy for
you as he/she has spent several weeks with the puppies and knows their
personalities. The reputable breeder wants you to have the puppy that best suits
you and that you will be happy with. If you are not happy the puppy will not be
happy either. Most reputable breeders would like unwanted puppies returned to
stated in the Royal NSW Canine Council "Code of Ethics" no puppy
should be sold under the age of eight weeks. A puppy under this age is subject
to stress from conditions such as over handling and not getting enough rest, or
refusing to eat due to changes in home and food. This stress can result in
"hypoglycemia" - a condition in which the blood sugar levels drop and
needs immediate veterinary attention. The puppy should have had at least one
inoculation against Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo Virus a minimum of 7 days
before going to a new home. The Maltese is basically a healthy dog and can live
to 12 years or more.
Teeth - The teeth of toy dogs are often a problem. Some retain their
baby teeth particularly the canine teeth and may have to be removed by your
Ears - In drop eared breeds such as Maltese the ears should be
kept clean and free of excess hair and debris. Your Maltese will alert you to
problems by scratching or shaking his head and the ears will have a dark smelly
secretion. At this point veterinary care is advised.
Toe Nails - Toe nails should be kept short. A good time to trim is
after a bath while the dog is still wet as the quick is easier to see.
Tear Stain - Some Maltese tear and stain more than others and they
are more likely to stain as puppies when they are teething. Try to keep the hair
under the eyes dry. Use a fine tooth comb or soft tooth brush dipped in warm
water to remove matter at the corner of the eye.
Grooming - Grooming the Maltese coat is a particular concern of
every prospective owner. Long or short it is up to each individual which look is
best suited to your lifestyle, it matters very little to the Maltese. A pin
brush or slicker brush and a steel comb are the essential tools. A thorough
brush and comb two or three times a week will keep your Maltese in good coat.
For those who would like to hear about other options, contact your local Dog Parlor
where you will be able to discuss various styles.