GENERAL APPEARANCE - Should be smart, lively and alert. The action must be free, without extended weaving. CHARACTERISTICS - Sweet tempered and very intelligent. HEAD AND SKULL - From stop to center of skull [center between fore part of ears] and tip of nose should be equally balanced. Stop should be defined. Nose should be pure black. EYES - Oval but not bulging, black eye rims. MOUTH - Level scissors bite with teeth even. NECK - Of medium length, set on well sloped shoulders. FOREQUARTERS - Legs should be short and straight. Shoulders well sloped. BODY - Should be in every way well balanced and essentially short and cobby, with good rib spring and the back should be straight from the tip of the shoulders to the tail. HINDQUARTERS - Legs should be short and nicely angulated. FEET - Should be round and the pads of the feet should be black. TAIL - Should be well arched over the back and feathered. GAIT / MOVEMENT - The action must be free, without extended weaving. COAT - Should be good length, but not impeding action, of silky texture, not in any way woolly and should be straight. It should not be crimped and there should be no woolly undercoat.